Increasingly, Americans pay for the privilege of seeing a doctor. Research shows concierge medicine can further hamper access to care for those who can’t afford the upgrade.
Since co-founding "Medical School for Kids," Dr. Betty Nguyen and Dr. Brandon Pham have authored 25 children’s books on medical specialties in hopes of inspiring the next generation of health workers.
Two doctors and a nurse spoke at Voices from the Frontline, an event hosted by Alachua County Healthcare Workers for Gaza.
With an end-of-year deadline and a presidential election approaching, payment rules that fueled rapid expansion of telehealth in the United States face a last-minute congressional decision.
Systems are increasingly stretching a velvet rope, offering “concierge physician service” to an affluent clientele who pay a yearly fee. Critics say the practice exacerbates primary care shortages.
The House Health Care Appropriations subcommittee unanimously advanced the measure, and it next goes to the Health and Human Services Committee before a floor vote.
Politicians keep talking about fixing primary care shortages. But flawed national data leaves big holes in how to evaluate which policies are effective.
The Senate Judiciary Committee forwarded the bill after adding the proposed caps, including limits on pain-and-suffering damages in lawsuits against doctors and hospitals.
The state will seek to streamline regulations and offer incentives to help make care more accessible under two bills passed by the Senate. The Live Healthy package heads next to the House.
Thousands of people are still dying with COVID, but the federal government has mostly handed over responsibility to the people to weather the seasonal surges with their own strategies.