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Court Harms Women's Access to Health Care

The South Florida Sun Sentinel has published an editorial that lists many reasons why the Supreme Court's "Hobby Lobby" decision got it wrong. 

It will make certain birth control services harder for women to afford, and coupled with the recent decision ruling out buffer zones at abortion clinics, produce a double-whammy on women's reproductive health, the editorial says.

In addition, the decision opens a can of worms, the editorial says. What if an employer's religion considers mental-health treatment wrong (as at least one major religion in Florida does)? What if an employer's religion says homosexuality is an abomination? Can closely-held companies then rule out coverage for mental health or refuse to hire gays?

Originally founded in December 2006 as an independent grassroots publication dedicated to coverage of health issues in Florida, Health News Florida was acquired by WUSF Public Media in September 2012.