Sascha Cordner
Phone: (850) 487-3086 x404
Sascha Cordner worked at NPR member station WUFT-FM in Gainesville for several years. She's worked in both TV and radio, serving in various capacities as a reporter, producer and anchor. She's also a graduate of the University of Florida with a bachelor's degree in telecommunications. She has received several Florida Associated Press Broadcasters Awards with one of her award-winning stories titled "Male Breast Cancer: Lost in the Sea of Pink." Currently, Sascha serves as the host and producer of local and state news content for the afternoon news program "All Things Considered" at WFSU. Sascha primarily covers criminal justice and social services issues. When she's not reporting, Sascha likes catching up on her favorite TV shows, singing and reading. Follow Sascha Cordner on Twitter: @SaschaCordner.
With a new one reported this month, Bay County now has three cases of the West Nile Virus. Health officials are urging residents to be cautious of the...
Last week, Florida’s Stand Your Ground law took center stage as people rallied, protested, and marched over the killing of a black unarmed man during a...
There are a few weeks left to go in the state’s Lionfish Challenge. That’s an effort to rid Florida waters of the invasive species that has no natural...
With a new opioid law in effect, Florida health officials are educating the public on some of the new changes through a new campaign.
The Walton County Sheriff’s office is hoping to better assist residents with differing special needs with the kick off of a new program.
August is Child Safety Awareness Month, and Florida officials are reminding motorists to always buckle up their kids.
With the heavy rains these past few days, Bay County health officials are urging residents to take proper precautions to prevent illnesses during and...
Blueprints on how to make a functional 3D printed gun at home are now available online. But, Florida’s U.S. Senator Bill Nelson is among several...
Bay County health officials are reporting an additional human case of the West Nile Virus. They’re urging residents to remain diligent in protecting...
Some blame the state legislature for not fully funding Florida’s corrections budget . Prison officials say that led to them making some hard choices....