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Florida providers urge families to take advantage of free vaccine clinics

The Florida Department of Health provides free shots for kids on weekdays.

The Florida Department of Health is offering free vaccine clinics as students get ready to head back to school.

Children entering, attending or transferring to Florida public school must get certain immunizations.

The branches of the health department are offering free vaccine in most cases for kids up to the age of 18.

Nemours pediatrician Dr. Christopher Culler says it’s important for kids and families to make sure they get these required shots, as it protects them, along with teachers and other students.

“Vaccine clinics are a part of just the importance of greater vaccination in general,” said Culler. “Vaccination is the most effective way we have of preventing illness and particularly in performance, promoting wellness for children.”

Proof of vaccination history is required of all children, except those with exemptions, before they can enroll in Florida schools. Parents should make sure they bring a copy of the form, DH 680, with them to clinics.

While it’s important for kids to get these required shots,Culler said it’s also a good time to get a yearly checkup from a medical provider.

“(Get) your child in to see a pediatrician before they go back to school, make sure we're hitting on everything. Simple things like growth and development as well, as you know, 'How did you do in the previous school year? Have you noticed any trouble with that,' ” Culler asked.

Check out a list of required vaccinations by grade here.

Danielle Prieur