Those surveyed say the assassin has “a great deal” or “a moderate amount” of responsibility for the Dec. 4 shooting of Brian Thompson. Still, some see the suspect as a heroic figure.
The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll finds the majority of those who live in states that have barred abortion say they believe it should be available for at least six weeks.
Interviews for the poll were conducted last Thursday to Monday, shortly before a federal judge in Florida struck down the national mask mandate on airplanes and mass transit.
Opposition was slightly higher when respondents were told that the bill does not include exceptions for rape or incest.
Many families are under financial stress, parents see kids seriously behind in school, huge rent bills and looming evictions and delayed medical care has negative consequences, to name a few.
Data show at least seven in 10 Americans trust doctors, nurses and pharmacists to do what’s right for them and their families either most or all of the time.
The findings underscore the challenges facing public health officials as soaring infections in some states again threaten to overwhelm hospitals.
The recent school shootings in Florida and Maryland have focused attention on the National Rifle Association’s clout in state and federal lobbying…
A new NPR/Ipsos poll shows many Americans don't know details about the Affordable Care Act. And only 1 in 7 favors repealing the law altogether without a replacement.
A poll finds that 75 percent wants Congress to either leave the law alone or wait to repeal it until they have a new law. For most people, controlling high health care costs is top priority.