Their risk of getting it increases with each decade after 40, and their overall lifetime risk is more than 90%.
A bill calls for the implementation of an Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Program that would better educate residents on the importance of brain health and reducing the risk of dementia.
A House panel advances a proposal that would place monitoring devices in the rooms of residents, with caveats. Debate centers around security and protection vs. privacy and dignity.
Doctors say controlling blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol is good for your brain and your heart. They also urge staying physically and socially active.
Tampa resident Melissa Malone shares how she first recognized signs of dementia in her mother during the holidays and how she made adjustments to celebrate with her in the years after her diagnosis.
Providing affirming support to older LGBTQ+ adults could be one way to reduce their risk for dementia. These individuals face unique challenges compared to straight, cisgender seniors.
The Byrd Alzheimer’s Center & Research Institute received the anonymous estate gift with no restrictions, meaning it can be used for research, education or anything else the center prioritizes.
Six in 10 people living with the Alzheimer's disease will wander off at some point.
The legislation creates optional training for police on recognizing someone with dementia, communicating with them, using alternatives to physical restraints, and spotting abuse,
“Music and Mind" is a collection of essays by scientists, artists, educators and health care providers that delves into the effect of music and the arts on health and being human.