The Florida Senate on Tuesday is scheduled to vote on state Sen. Joe Negron's Healthy Florida plan, which would accept billions of dollars in federal funds through the Affordable Care Act to provide health coverage to 1.1 million uninsured low-income Floridians.
Negron, R-Stuart, sounded determined but pessimistic on Monday, saying he doesn't see how the Senate's plan can be meshed with the House's version, which accepts no federal funds and would cover about 115,000.
The House has already rejected the Senate plan, which state Rep. Mike Fasano introduced last week as an amendment to the House's plan. That House plan, Florida Health Choices Plus, would use only state money and would leave out adults who aren't disabled or don't have young children at home.
The differences between the plans are so great that Negron told reporters on Monday that he thinks a compromise is "unlikely," News Service of Florida reported.
He also said he thinks a special session to resolve the matter is "improbable."