The recent school shootings in Florida and Maryland have focused attention on the National Rifle Association’s clout in state and federal lobbying…
A prescription for a drug called Kerydin depleted one woman's health reimbursement account without her even knowing it. When should health care providers broach costs with patients?
It started as a bipartisan attempt to curb soaring health care premiums.But Congress' effort to stabilize the nation's insurance markets is faltering amid…
Elizabeth Moreno got hit with a $17,850 bill from a Texas lab after leaving a urine sample at her doctor's office. The lab had tested the sample for a wide range of legal and illicit drugs.
An Okaloosa County man is suing a North Florida hospital over what he calls unreasonable hospital bills. The case comes after North Okaloosa Medical...
Jane Morse needed to fill a prescription that was going to cost her about $300. She's on Medicare but doesn't have a prescription drug plan so she's…
For the past year, WUSF has invited you to share the cost of your health care -- not your insurance premiums, but the cost of the care itself. Our…
Sometime before the end of this year, the state of Florida will have a new website with health care prices for patients. It's the result of a 2016 law...
Health News Florida's database of costs for common health care procedures is growing. PriceCheck now contains thousands of entries for health care…
House members continued moving forward Tuesday with a plan that would give patients a cut of the savings if they can find health-care services at a lower…