Julio Ochoa
Health News Florida EditorJulio Ochoa is editor of Health News Florida.
He comes to WUSF from The Tampa Tribune, where he began as a website producer for TBO.com and served in several editing roles, eventually becoming the newspaper’s deputy metro editor.
Julio was born and raised in St. Petersburg, and received a bachelor’s degree from Florida State University. He earned a master’s degree in journalism from the University of Colorado and worked at a paper in Greeley, Colo., before returning to Florida as a reporter and as breaking news editor for the Naples Daily News.
Contact Julio at 813-974-8633, on Twitter at @julioochoa or email julioochoa@wusf.org.
Oklahoma-based Carter Healthcare is accused of overbilling Medicare and billing for therapy that patients didn’t need between 2014 and 2016.
The lockdown began in May and has been extended to June 20. About 40 inmates have tested positive for the virus, a spokeswoman says.
Since 2007, the supermarket chain has provided more than 100 million free prescription drugs to customers at its 1,200 pharmacies.
The American College of Surgeons has awarded the status to only two other hospitals in Florida and fewer than 50 around the nation.
The two men and six others were accused of deceiving pharmacy benefit managers into approving tens of thousands of prescriptions that were fraudulently obtained.
Abortion laws in Florida are set to change in July after the Legislature approved a ban on the procedure after 15 weeks. A pending decision by the U.S. Supreme Court could bring even more changes.
“I’m super pissed, I’m just like, 'Get your hands off of my uterus, off of my body,' " said Lauren Lauren Routt, who was among those demonstrating across the state after the leak of a Supreme Court opinon on Roe v. Wade.
The Department of Justice accused BayCare of making donations to a Pinellas County organization to increase its share of federal Medicaid funds.
A 10-county region in the Big Bend remains the only part of the state at high risk in the CDC's community levels. However, Hillsborough, Polk, Hardee and Highlands dropped from high to medium risk.
The company told the state on Monday that it is closing four offices in the Tampa Bay area, resulting in 692 layoffs.