Some people say there's a need for more mental health funding and awareness in Southwest Florida. Lee County is taking some steps to try to do both.
The Life in Media Survey will collect data from thousands of preteens over the next quarter century, measuring how using digital media changes attitude, behavior and health throughout their lives.
Many parents are grappling with how to talk to even to their young children about the election. Experts offer tips on how to start the difficult conversation.
Daylight saving time ends Sunday, a sign that winter isn't far away, People prone to seasonal depression are bracing themselves. Many have found strategies to get through the dark days.
Does the wind make your heart race? Does rain give you anxiety? Find out some of the most common weather fears below. ... if you dare.
The anonymous hotline was designed to give police, firefighters or EMTs a way to seek help for trauma they receive on the job.
They grapple over cases where pain might be alleviated by money, adequate housing or social connection, and express deep discomfort with ending lives of people whose deaths were avoidable.
Often a last resort for low-income families, hotel living can lead to — or exacerbate — various physical and mental issues for children, say advocates for families and researchers who study homelessness.
Older men who find themselves living alone tend to have fewer close personal relationships than older women. They’re vulnerable, physically and emotionally, but often reluctant to ask for help.
Even though most callers ask for specific, tangible items, the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay team allows them to speak freely and encourages an open conversation about their feelings.