Worried about the proliferation of plastic trash in the environment and her own body, a journalist tried to shop plastic-free for 7 days. She found plastic in a lot of sneaky and surprising places.
What we eat plays a big role in our physical health, but it can also be an essential part of our mental health.
Researchers in Montana have found that unsafe levels of copper can leach into the cocktail in less than half an hour.
A Twinkie stored in a basement for eight years has been transformed by fungi, giving scientists something unusual to ponder and probe.
Hundreds of volunteers filled the cafeteria of Godby High School on Saturday. They were there to pack thousands of meals to help the region's low-income...
The rising prevalence and cost of Type 2 diabetes has doctors at Geisinger Health System turning to food as a form of medicine. They're prescribing free, fresh food to low-income patients.
This Friday, Floridians who rely on food stamps will have to tighten their belts even further. That’s because SNAP -- the Supplemental Nutrition
About 3.6 million Floridians who use food stamps to purchase their monthly groceries will see a cut in their benefits come Nov. 1, the Orlando Sentinel…
Obesity is hurting the nation's health, but the pain is not evenly spread. Those who have low incomes are the most dependent on processed foods sweetened…
Health concerns surrounding trans fats led many food manufacturers to abandon partially hydrogenated oils. Palm oil has helped fill the void. But guess what? It's high in saturated fat.