The Biden administration wants hospitals to do more to make their prices understandable, so that consumers know in advance what a health care service will cost them.
U.S. hospitals have seen a record number of cyberattacks over the past few years. Getting hacked can cost a hospital millions of dollars and expose patient data, and even jeopardize patient care.
The AMA and AHA are not arguing to halt the law that protects patients from unexpected bills. Instead, they want to change the rules for the mediators who will settle the dispute between insurers and providers.
The American Hospital Association, the American Nurses Association and the American Medical Association issued a letter noting that the surge is affecting already-overburdened health systems.
The rate of avoidable complications affecting patients in hospitals leveled off in 2014 after three years of declines, according to a federal report…
Donna Miles didn’t feel like getting dressed and driving to her physician’s office or to a retailer’s health clinic near her Cincinnati home.For several…
The Office of Medicare Hearings and Appeals, which is overwhelmed, has decided to bring the cases filed by beneficiaries to the front of the line. That…
Florida is one of the states where hospitals are building freestanding emergency departments in upscale suburbs to beef up patient flow to the mother ship…
It isn't exactly news that hospital bills bear no relation to what products and services actually cost, or the amount that is paid. What IS new is the…
Data being released by Medicare for the first time allow the public to see just how absurdly inflated most hospital bills have become -- bearing little…