Mike Ensley
Mike Ensley works as a staff writer for the Center of Research and Economic Opportunity at the University of West Florida.He has spent 20 years working as a journalist, graphic artist and social media director.
In that time, he has worked for the Pensacola News Journal, Pensacola Today, the Studer Community Institute and Pensacola State College, where he returned as adviser to the student newspaper, The Corsair, which he edited as a student in the early ‘90s.
When not working, Ensley is an avid comic book reader, film fanatic, music aficionado and lover of pop culture. These pursuits led him to found and chair the popular Pensacon convention that occurs every February in downtown Pensacola.
Ensley is married and outnumbered by females at home: one wife, one daughter and two cats.
There are no common defining moments or traits that determine when gender identity becomes set for human beings, but there is evidence that the...