Matt Largey
Matt has been a reporter at KUT off and on since 2006. He came to Austin from Boston, then went back for a while--but couldn't stand to be away--so he came back to Austin. Matt grew up in Maine (but hates lobster), and while it might sound hard to believe, he thinks Maine and Texas are remarkably similar.
After flooding washed untold volumes of soil and silt into the river system, all three of Austin Water's drinking-water plants are running at 1/3 to 1/4 of their normal capacity.
On Monday a federal judge blocked Defense Distributed from publishing 3D-printable files online. Now that company says it will send the plans directly to customers who want them.
Though some people have had success landing jobs in recent months, millions of Americans are still out of work. But many older people are finding it particularly difficult to get hired. Some say age discrimination is a key factor working against them.