Saturday is National HIV Testing Day. In the lead up, groups across Florida are offering free tests for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections.

Many Florida Department of Health offices are conducting simple blood tests for HIV and syphilis.
One event happening Friday at the Hillsborough County office. Maritza Acosta is the officer manager of the department's Specialty Care Center, where they test for and treat HIV and other STIs.
She says the tests helps stop the spread of infection, and can help identify those who need treatment.
"Everybody's welcome. If you don't have an ID, we still test you,” Acosta said. “Even if you just want to come by and ask questions; we have free condoms at all times.”
“This is a testing place, but it's also, I say, a free school. People can learn a lot about the diseases that are attacking our community."
Click our searchable PDF or use the widget below to find free testing near you. You can also text your zip code to KNOWIT (566948) to find a HIV testing location.