Florida’s Senate President is considering bringing lawmakers back to Tallahassee to strike a deal on medical marijuana. A plan to roll out the state’s new rules unraveled at the end of session.

After months of hashing out details, Florida lawmakers failed to cut a deal on expanding the state’s prescription pot industry. 71% of voters chose to give more patients access to medical marijuana in the 2016 election. Senate President Joe Negron says the issue may be worth bringing lawmakers back to the capitol.
“I think that that’s something that now that we’ve got session over and we have our budget passed, that we’ll confer with the House and with the Governor and then make a decision on whether that’s something we should do,” Negron said.
The Stuart Republican wants lawmakers to write the new rules, instead of the state Department of Health.
“I think the Legislature does have a responsibility to be involved in that implementation, so I think that’s an option that we’ll look at,” Negron said.
Governor Rick Scott has the power to call a special session unilaterally. Or the Senate President and Speaker of the House could jointly summon lawmakers back to Tallahassee. Members of the Legislature can also petition for a special session. Rules for the deliberations are strict and lawmakers would only be able to debate the issues outlined in the summons.
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