Changes to content policies allowi users to describe LGBTQ+ people as "mentally ill" or "abnormal," given political or religious discourse. That doesn't make it true or reflective of medical consensus.
Providing affirming support to older LGBTQ+ adults could be one way to reduce their risk for dementia. These individuals face unique challenges compared to straight, cisgender seniors.
Founder Jason DeShazo, known locally as drag performer "Momma Ashley Rose," said the center will expand in early 2025 to encompass the other half of the building it's renting.
The group opened the space about a month ago, providing peer-led support activities and overnight rest to any adults who need it, with a focus on marginalized communities.
Fernando Hermida has had to move three times to access treatment until finding an oasis in Orlando. His story illustrates the difficulty Latino men have finding HIV care despite millions in federal dollars going annually to ending the disease.
The federal change is designed to prevent discrimination in programs that receive federal money. In a lawsuit, the state claims it interferes with Florida laws "protecting the health and safety of its residents.”
An ugly legal battle between OASIS and AHF ─ involving a quarter-million dollars in federal funding for HIV medical care ─ is affecting hundreds of low-income patients in Northwest Florida.
Even in states where laws protect minors’ access to gender-affirming care, malpractice insurance premiums are keeping small and independent clinics from treating patients.
The court turned away an appeal from Washington, where the law has been upheld. An appellate panel had struck down local bans in Florida, and the high court often steps in when appellate courts disagree.
The law that allows the state to revoke the licenses of therapists who try to change a minor's sexual orientation. Since the 2018 ruling, the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta has voided the local Florida bans.