As millennials continue to fuel the decline in wine sales, some alcohol brands are making health claims as a way to attract consumers. But this has scientists and health researchers on edge.
While the public is normally urged to “thank a Veteran” they meet, the head of Florida’s Department of Veterans' Affairs also wants people to ask a...
The next big blow to already-fragile local pension plans could come from retiree health benefits. That’s a according to the latest report on pensions...
With same-sex marriage now the law in Florida, a lot of new husbands and wives will be able to join their spouse's state of Florida insurance plan....
The disease Greg Eisenstein endures is described as more painful than childbirth or even amputation in the medical literature. The state of Florida,…
Nearly 1 in 4 tell pollsters they're having a hard time paying for needed prescription medicine; 1 in 3 say they struggled to pay bills from hospitals or doctors last year.
Surveys show that an increasing number of employers are providing employees with financial incentives to stay healthy. Many employers now contribute to employee health savings accounts, but only if employees make sure to take care of their health.