A House panel advances a proposal that would place monitoring devices in the rooms of residents, with caveats. Debate centers around security and protection vs. privacy and dignity.
The principles and practices of geriatrics are widely disseminated, and we understand much more about how to improve care. Yet we don’t have enough geriatricians to meet the growing demand.
A leading geriatrician says a lot of health information for older adults isn’t as useful as it should be. No person’s aging process looks exactly like another’s. So she’s written a guidebook.
Physician Louise Aronson treats patients who are in their 60s — as well as those who are older than 100. She writes about changing approaches to elder health care in her book Elderhood.
Only about half of geriatric fellowships for medical residents in the U.S. are filled each year. Some students blame overwhelming medical school debt, which grows with every extra year of training.
Thousands of seniors in the Tampa Bay area may be helping train the next generation of health professionals.The University of South Florida, in…
Mildred Barnett of Tampa says she once saw a picture with three faces: one of a baby, one of a woman and one of an older lady. "And it says, ‘the...
The demographics of an aging population present a pressing need for specialists in that field, yet only one of Florida's six public medical schools…