While the latest state report shows the first significant decrease in flu cases since the peak, the numbers are still higher compared to the same period in recent years.
The most recent CDC hospitalization data and other indicators show that the flu virus is trending higher than the other germs. Several seasonal strains are driving cases.
When families and friends congregate in small spaces, they will be bringing whatever variants of flu, COVID and other viruses with them.
While not perfect, vaccinations are the best bet for avoiding a bad case of flu or COVID-19 this fall and winter. The CDC recommends these vaccinations for ages 6 months and older.
The spread of an avian flu virus in cattle has again brought public health attention to the potential for a global pandemic. Fighting it would depend, for now, on 1940s technology that makes vaccines from hens’ eggs.
On this episode, we assemble another panel of medical experts to dig into this month’s biggest health care headlines.
Springtime upticks in flu are possible. But other indicators, like hospitalizations and patient testing, show low and declining activity.
Capital Health Plan doctors invite area residents to take a stroll with them around Tallahassee's Cascades Park as part of a healthy lifestyle.
CDC stats show a continued national drop in flu hospitalizations, but other indicators were up — including the number of states with high or very high levels for respiratory illnesses.
As respiratory virus activity picks up around the country, vaccine levels remain below last year's totals, according to the CDC. Cohen has been on national blitz to improve those numbers.