In this interview, Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation, explains provisions that make it easier for Floridians who lost their job to keep health insurance during the pandemic.
People who lose their job-based health plan usually get 60 days to decide to continue it — and pay more — under federal rules. But a recent pandemic-related rule change allows more decision time.
With the 2018 health insurance market still in play, you might want to extend your job-based insurance until this fall, when the outlines of the health law's marketplaces should become clearer.
One of the most popular aspects of the Affordable Care Act’s online Marketplace, which allows the uninsured to shop for their own plans, will be the…
Many laid-off workers continue the insurance they got on the job by paying for it themselves through an expensive option known as COBRA. The health insurance exchanges that open in October are likely to be a cheaper source for health coverage.