"Blind AF" tells the story of Shawn Cheshire, a Lauderdale-by-the-Sea resident riding across the country on a solo bike.
The LightSound device is the result of a collaboration between an astronomer who is blind and an astronomer who regularly translates data into audio to analyze patterns for her research.
Infections from drug-resistant bacteria have caused death and illness in 68 patients several states, including Florida, the CDC says. The strain has been linked to recalled eyedrops like EzriCare Artificial Tears.
We mark our days by sunlight, with special receptors in our eyes that respond to light and help reset our body clocks each day. This man can't see, but is still a circadian wiz. Here's how.
When health bills aren't legible — via large-print, Braille or other adaptive technology — blind patients can't know what they owe, and are too often sent to debt collections, an investigation finds.
As the country enters Year 3 of the pandemic emergency, people with disabilities across the U.S. are still finding it difficult to use innovations in telemedicine, teleworking and testing.
The unprecedented study involves using the gene-editing technique CRISPR to edit a gene while it's still inside a patient's body. In exclusive interviews, NPR talks with two of the first participants.
A deal finalized over the weekend will allow blind voters to fill out ballots secretly at home, putting an end to a broader legal tangle over Florida’s…
Near the start of the school year, the University of South Florida held a volunteer fair in the Marshall Student Center on the Tampa campus. While...
The Palm Beach County Sports Commission hosted the National Beep Baseball Association's World Series this past weekend, which brought between 400 and...