A man had friends drive him to the hospital after he was hit by a car. Doctors checked him out, then sent him by ambulance to a trauma center, which released him with no further treatment.
The ambulance will be equipped with a CT scanner, clot-busting drugs and telemedicine equipment.
Three groups filed a lawsuit after lawmakers approved directing money to AHCA to adjust reimbursement rates so Medicaid providers would pay at least $15 an hour to direct-care employees.
After a car wreck, three siblings were transported to the same hospital by ambulances from three separate districts. The sibling with the most minor injuries got the biggest bill.
About 50 ambulances a day are having to wait over an hour to offload patients because emergency rooms do not have the space or staff for new patients, officials said.
Federal authorities say a Florida ambulance company has agreed to pay about $5.5 million to resolve allegations that it defrauded Medicare by billing for…
Without insurance, an ambulance trip can be expensive. A new study suggests people are opting to avoid the cost by using the ride-hailing app, which frees up ambulances for more critical patients.