A tiny seahorse named Frito is on the mend here in Florida.
A woman snorkeling in the Gulf of Mexico rescued Frito, who was tangled in fishing-line, and rushed her to Clearwater Marine Aquarium.
The aquarium is caring for Frito in hopes of returning her to the Gulf.
In the meantime, folks can watch Frito on the internet via the aquarium’s live web feed called the Frito-cam.
The Fito-cam uses a plugin called Flash which some devices and browsers no longer support. But you can still see Frito right here:
You can read more about Frito and a history of seahorse rescues on the Clearwater Marine Aquarium's website.
Contact reporter Cyd Hoskinson at choskinson@wjct.org, 904-358-6351 and on Twitter @cydwjctnews.
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