The Red Cross is experiencing its lowest supply of blood in more than a decade heading into the holidays.
OneBlood’s Susan Forbes says the Orlando portion of the study housed in the LGBT+ Center still needs about 120 gay and bisexual men between the ages of 18 and 39 to enroll.
The results of a nationwide blood study that is taking place in Orlando and seven other cities across the country could make it easier for gay and bisexual men to donate blood.
A New York woman with a rare blood type is donating two units to help save a 2-year-old South Florida girl who is battling cancer. News outlets report the…
A worldwide search is on for donors of an extremely rare blood type needed to help a South Florida toddler undergoing cancer treatment.
A global search is on for rare blood that could save the life of a South Florida toddler who has cancer. Florida-based OneBlood says it’s specifically...
Many Jacksonville hospitals are facing a critical need for blood – they have less than a day’s supply left on their shelves. That’s led the nonprofit...
The state’s blood donation centers are sending resources to Texas hospitals affected by Harvey, now a tropical depression. OneBlood is asking Florida...
There's a growing need for blood in Southwest Florida during the summer months. A traditionally low point for demand in the area, blood banks say they...
A handful of Pulse survivors have teamed up with One Blood to promote blood donations. One Blood says it took 441 units to treat Pulse victims. Jeff...