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Scott Signs Order For Carroll To Pay Ethics Fine

Leon County Judge John Cooper on June 30, 2022, in a screen grab from The Florida Channel.
State of Florida
The Florida Channel
Former Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll.

Gov. Rick Scott has signed an executive order for former Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll to pay a $1,000 fine to resolve allegations she did not properly report income from consulting work that led to her resignation more than two years ago.

The executive order, signed Thursday, accepts the findings of the state Commission on Ethics, and the fine was part of an agreement with Carroll.

"Payment must be submitted with a written statement under oath by the respondent that the penalty amount was not paid with public funds and will not be reimbursed with public funds," the order said.

The ethics commission July 24 unanimously approved the agreement with Carroll, who served in the state House before becoming lieutenant governor. Scott's approval was needed, as corrections to her improper paperwork were made after Carroll ran with Scott in 2010.

Carroll initially reported receiving less than $1,000 in income from her consulting company, rather than the $16,047 of net income that Carroll earned through 3N. & J.C. Corp. that year.

Carroll resigned in 2013 amid revelations that the company, which she co-owned, provided consulting services for Allied Veterans of the World, the entity at the center of an investigation into illegal gambling and other crimes in the Internet cafe industry.

Carroll was never charged in connection with the case and has denied any wrongdoing. Carroll in June called for an apology from Scott for "his knee jerk reaction" in pushing her out of office without evidence when reports arose about her past work for Allied Veterans of the World.

A spokeswoman for the governor said in an email Tuesday that "She did the right thing for her family by resigning. We appreciate her service to the state."