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Landon Chase, 9, plays Roblox in his living room. Landon is a leukemia survivor. He was diagnosed four years ago. He beat cancer in 2023. But chemotherapy left Landon weakened with osteoporosis and muscle atrophy. Earlier this year, he was diagnosed with a mild neurocognitive impairment to his language, memory, attention and coordination.
Joe Mario Pedersen
Central Florida Public Media
Part 3 of a series: Kicked off of Medicaid, Florida children with medically complex needs are offered a state insurance program designed for healthy kids who cannot provide the care they require.
WUSF is reporting on how distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine exposes inequities in Florida’s health care system.
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Coverage of the coronavirus pandemic on Health News Florida.
How distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine exposes inequities in Florida’s health care system.
Each day in Florida about 100 kids are involuntarily committed for psychiatric exams under the Baker Act. That adds up to about 36,000 kids a year, and experts say something has to be done. We explore what happens when kids get committed.
We're listening to the voices of everyday people who were impacted by the pandemic.
An Edward R. Murrow Award-winning series explores the high costs of the pandemic for children and young adults.