A growing number of doctors have stopped recommending weight loss when they see patients, arguing that it can be counterproductive.
Whether we choose to acknowledge it, obesity is a huge problem in the U.S. This is especially true with kids. Two Jacksonville surgeons who deal with the issue daily answer questions about the problem.
Instead of "watchful waiting," the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends intensive lifestyle and behavior therapy for young kids; and for older children, medication.
An offer of savings on health insurance failed to motivate people to lose a modest amount of weight at a Philadelphia hospital system.
Florida has the 37th highest obesity rate among adults, up from its last ranking of 40th, according to a report from Trust for America's Health and the…
Fad diets seem that much more absurd when you can visualize exactly what they require you to eat. A photo series helps reinforce what medical researchers are saying: that the best diet is the one you actually stick with.
According to the latest "F as in Fat" report from the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Florida still has a serious
*According to an economist. Also: Gaining a little more weight than recommended is probably fine.
Some people rationalize that it's all right to shame or blame someone who's overweight because it will motivate the victim to lose pounds. News for the slim and smug: It doesn't work, and it's not OK.
The decision by the Boy Scouts to not let scouts participate in its National Jamboree if they have a BMI higher than 40 is disgraceful, according to a…