A provision in the Pentagon budget bill cuts off TRICARE coverage of gender-affirming health care for military dependents under 18.
The Justice Department says the Florida company knowingly submitted claims that did not conform with Medicare, Medicaid and TriCare requirements.
The Department of Justice said the Tampa cancer center improperly submitted claims to Medicare, Medicaid and Tricare from 2014 to 2020 for services provided during clinical trials.
An orthopedic surgeon, a nursing facility and several health care executives will pay $1.5 million to settle federal allegations of a kickback scheme…
The owner of an Orlando pharmacy was sentenced to 13 years in prison for a health care kickback scheme.U.S. Attorney Maria Chapa Lopez of the Middle…
A Jacksonville compounding pharmacy and four Jacksonville doctors who partnered to run a second pharmacy have settled with the federal government over...
A Fort Myers-based integrated cancer care services provider accused of billing for tests that were not needed will pay nearly $20 million to the federal…
Next year, the military will officially lift restrictions on women in combat, the end of a process that may open up as many as 245,000 jobs that have been…
U.S. officials say an independent commission is recommending broad changes to the military's retirement and health care systems that could save more than…
The federal government has joined a whistleblower lawsuit against a company that provides doctors and other health professionals to work in hospitals in…