The agency says it didn't single out the 700,000 patients but sent the budget review to everyone in its email databases, including members of the public. Those on the marijuana registry claim it's a privacy violation.
A federal judge struck down a Florida law that banned doctors from providing gender-affirming care to most kids. Now, advocates say they hope more patients will be able to get what they see as lifesaving care.
The legislative session was highlighted by "Live Healthy" and other health projects. When the $116.5 billion budget was unveiled, it included big numbers for expectant moms, kids, mental health and cancer research.
Noting that the appeals court recently tossed a similar ruling in Alabama, the governor says it's the state’s duty to protect children and to stand up for laws passed by elected legislators.
Federal judge Robert Hinkle, of the Northern District of Florida, said SB 254 was only passed out of a sense of “anti-transgender animus” from elected officials. The federal ruling comes too late for transgender adults who've already left the state.
Gov. Ron DeSantis said the measure, proposed to limit the production and sale of euphoria-producing hemp, would impose debilitating regulatory burdens on small businesses and "fail to achieve its purposes."
In Hillsborough, health officials offered the overdose reversal drug to people who stopped by their Tampa office. Other counties recognized the day with education on recognizing overdoses and saving lives.
The measure, which was passed unanimously by the state Legislature, will take effect July 1.
The bill would ban the sale of products containing what is known as delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol and limit the amount of delta-9 THC. Delta-8 and delta-9 are cannabinoids in hemp that can get people high.
The bill designating "rural emergency hospitals" stems from a federal law and would make them eligible for Medicare payments. The hospitals must be licensed by states, creating a need for the bill.