Proposing a housing-first model, a new AHCA housing assistance pilot program combines health care and homeless services to secure housing for qualifying Medicaid recipients.
A study finds infants exposed to gun violence before birth were as much as 25% more likely to be born premature or with low weight. Northwest Florida experts say this research should resonate in the region.
The health centers are under stress as they work to meet the specific needs of their communities because of uncertain funding and staffing issues. The number of people seeking care increased 45% in a decade.
Ahead of the Jan. 19 federal spending deadline, a program that provides food benefits to women, infants and children in Florida and other states is facing a budget shortfall of about $1 billion.
A report published by United Way Suncoast, COVID and Financial Hardship in Florida, says 2 in 5 households in the Tampa Bay region were living on the edge of poverty by 2021.
Public health professor Arline Geronimus explains how marginalized people suffer nearly constant stress, which damages their bodies at the cellular level. Her new book is Weathering.
Residents who spend more than 30 percent of their paycheck on rent are shown to experience higher rates of anxiety and depression, according to a study published by the National Library of Medicine.
Research shows that a “housing first” approach benefits individuals and families facing chronic homelessness and those with long-standing mental illness or substance use disorders.
The personal needs allowance, created in 1972, was meant to cover anything a resident might need that its facility didn't provide, from a phone to clothes to a gift for a grandchild. In some states, it's still only $30.
As the marketing of soda and fast food ramps up around the world, the companies involved forge partnerships to help the poor. The new book "Junk Food Politics" casts a critical eye at their efforts.