As contract negotiations approach, nurses at Palmetto General Hospital in Hialeah joined thousands across the state and country to highlight broad support for solutions that prioritize patient care.
The VA says there isn't a hiring freeze, although federal data shows the agency has been dealing with "severe shortages" of nurses for years. Nurses in Tampa say they're feeling the strain.
After three days on the picket line, more than 7,000 nurses are returning to work at the city's biggest hospitals with the promise of "concrete, enforceable safe staffing ratios," their union said.
About 40 nurses demonstrated, claiming the hospital's decision will mostly affect low-income, high-risk patients. The hospital's chief nursing officer says the union is misguided in its messaging.
Some 15,000 nurses at seven health care systems in the Minneapolis and Duluth areas walked out, a number the union says makes it the largest strike ever by private-sector nurses.
A report from the SEIU accuses HCA of Medicare fraud in the form of overpayments for services that are not needed.
Chris Setzer, an ICU nurse at Osceola Regional Medical Center, says it’s not a nursing shortage, just a shortage of nurses willing to work under current conditions.
With demand for their services high around the country, Florida nurses are leaving for higher wages and safer conditions, just as the state has a growing number of hospitals reporting staff shortages.
The nurses, representing National Nurses United, were demonstrating at Doctors Hospital of Sarasota, Fawcett Memorial Hospital, Oak Hill Hospital and Osceola Regional Medical Center.
Registered nurses at 15 HCA-affiliated hospitals in five states, including Florida, have voted to authorize nurse negotiators to call a strike if the...