Scientists treating kids for MIS-C point to rare genes, leaky guts and a “superantigen.”
Data released by the state health department Tuesday indicate that 65 pediatric patients in Florida have been diagnosed with a rare but serious condition…
As school reopens, an Orlando pediatrician says parents should ask their children about their school day for a whole different set of reasons during the…
Nearly one-in-three children tested for the new coronavirus in Florida has been positive, and a South Florida health official is concerned the disease...
Israel Shippy doesn’t remember much about having COVID-19 — or the unusual auto-immune disease it triggered — other than being groggy and uncomfortable…
While early research suggests the condition is rare, experts are still racing to answer even the most basic questions about the illness — such as why some children are more susceptible than others.
Gov. Ron DeSantis on Friday called a childhood illness tied to COVID-19 extremely rare, despite reports of at least eight confirmed cases in Florida.
Florida has a growing number of children with a COVID-19 related illness, but how long it has been attacking children and the number of pediatric patients…