The bill is designed to protect business entities, educational institutions, religious institutions, and governmental entities acting in good faith," says Plant City state Rep. Lawrence McClure.
COVID-19 liability protection would address the more than 200,000 jobs that have been lost, according to the state government watchdog.
Neither chamber's measure contains lawsuit protections for health care providers, but Sen. Jeff Brandes, who sponsored the Senate version, says they will addressed in separate legislation.
Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis is traveling the state visiting restaurants and their owners to push for COVID-19 liability protections for small businesses.
This week, Governor Ron DeSantis suggested he’d like to see a special session for the Florida Legislature to consider protecting small businesses from…
Forty lobbyists and association representatives met over the summer to discuss ways to protect businesses from what some fear will be a flood of lawsuits…
The Florida Hospital Association will weigh in as the state Supreme Court considers whether a hospital can be liable for treatment provided by…