When roll call was taken, commissioners Leo Longworth, Gary Ball and Laura Simpson decided to stick with fluoride. Tanya Tucker and Mayor Trish Burdin-Pfeiffer voted no.
While some politicians say fluoridated water is government overreach, medical experts say it's important and effective for the public.
The county's safety and health committee took no action on fluoridation after the surgeon general's presentation to convince members to end the practice.
Lakeland delayed a hearing over the water issue until the Bartow workshop, which presented experts on both sides. Attendees included Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who wants to end fluoridation.
Dozens of Florida municipalities have decided to stop adding floride to its drinking water over concerns the practice may affect the cognitive ability of kids.
Commissioners voted to bring an ordinance on removing fluoride from the water supply at a later date. The county must also consider repairing the current fluoridation system.
If commissioners vote to follow the guidance of Florida's surgeon general, Manatee would join more than a dozen other local governments to end the practice, including Niceville in the Panhandle.
Council members voted 4-1 in favor of halting the fluoridation of the city’s water supply after hearing opposition from the public and comment from the Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo.
After Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo came to Polk County and called fluoridation a “public health malpractice,” city commissioners said they would need to learn more before they could vote on the issue.
Florida's surgeon general calls it "public health malpractice" to fluoridate water, citing research that suggests exposure to high levels could lead to lower IQs in kids. Many experts say more research is needed.