Duval County ranks 46 of 67 Florida counties in health outcomes, so easier ways to get health insurance are needed, according to Dr. Sunil Joshi, Jacksonville’s chief health officer.
"We could see a pretty significant increase," says Jodi Ray, of Florida Covering Kids & Families, which provides free navigator services to anyone in need. The enrollment period began Wednesday.
The federal government has set the enrollment period for Affordable Care Act insurance from Wednesday to Jan. 15. Last year, Florida led the nation in the number of enrollees.
The open enrollment period to buy health insurance on HealthCare.gov runs through Jan. 15. Look for more options and expanded subsidies this year — and more help signing up.
Open enrollment for the health care marketplace lasts until Jan. 15. But if people want coverage on Jan. 1, they must be enrolled by Dec. 15.
Signing up for coverage on the health insurance marketplace should be easier for some people this fall because new federal rules will allow brokers and…
Federal health officials are granting a special enrollment period for consumers who unsuccessfully tried to buy health insurance before Sunday's deadline…
With open enrollment for health insurance ending in just two weeks, the push is on to get everyone who qualifies signed up. But some of the uninsured are…
The Obama administration is moving closer to its goal of 9.1 million people signed up for private coverage under the president's health care law.Florida…
A surge in health insurer competition appears to be helping restrain premium increases in hundreds of counties next year, with prices dropping in many…