The 21-room, 15,000-square-foot freestanding ER facility, the hospital system's fourth, will help serve residents of north Sarasota County and south Manatee County.
The cause is a rise in flu and respiratory illnesses coinciding with a growing population and the influx of seasonal residents and visitors.
AdventHealth emergency departments have seen a 20% increase in patients seeking care for heat-related illnesses this summer, and urgent care locations in the network have seen an increase of 115%.
For some, a medical emergency creates a feeling helplessness and uncertainty. But knowledge is power, and that's where this episode's guests come in.
A Pasco County mom tried to dispute an emergency room bill, but the hospital and collection agency refused to talk to her — because it was her child's name on the bill, not hers.
Dr. Brittany Beel, an ER physician at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, and Dr. David Caro, an ER physician at UF Health Jacksonville, join the conversation.
Her sleuthing took over a year but knocked thousands of dollars off the hospital’s charges — and provides a playbook for other consumers.
Dr. Jason Wilson says African Americans as well as low-income and other vulnerable populations are being affected by fentanyl overdoses "at a much higher disproportionate rate" than others.
With few options for health care in their rural community, a Tennessee couple's experience with one outrageous bill could have led to a deadly delay when they needed help the most.
A dad in Denver tried to do everything right when COVID-19 symptoms surfaced. But he got a surprising bill from his insurer, which had waived cost sharing for treatment of the coronavirus infection.