The 21-room, 15,000-square-foot freestanding ER facility, the hospital system's fourth, will help serve residents of north Sarasota County and south Manatee County.
Increasingly, private equity firms shape staffing decisions at hospital emergency rooms, research shows. One apparent effect: Hiring fewer doctors and more health care practitioners who earn far less.
The many options — particularly urgent care and free-standing ERs — can make the head spin. The wrong choice can mean big bills and even poor outcomes. Facilities have little incentive to clear up the confusion.
Many Floridians and other Americans turn to the ER for problems that aren't emergencies, a poll suggests, even though the experience can be unpleasant. Some ERs are striving to change their image.
Orlando Health announced Wednesday that it is no longer seeking a partner for merger or acquisition because its own finances are healthy and there is no…