Tuesday was Developmental Disabilities Awareness Day at the Capitol. Advocates say the legislative awareness event is vital to the disability community
In a decade-long battle about kids with complex medical needs receiving care in nursing homes, the state describes a key part of the ruling as an “arbitrary and unachievable” goal.
The law ends the practice of confining students with disabilities to a room by themselves. Another bill signed Monday allows for higher payments to parents of infants born with a brain injury.
Advocates say direct-support professionals who left the industry because of health concerns surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic aren't returning because of low wages.
If someone with a disability or brain injury goes missing, a Purple Alert could go out to help find them. That’s due to a new law signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis.
State leaders are proposing changes to a Medicaid program that serves disabled people in order to save money. But advocates say any funding cuts to the...