Medical bills can be incredibly confusing and difficult to read.But do you have a better idea?No, seriously, do you?Because federal officials want to hear…
Patients looking for more transparency in health care costs won’t usually find it on the bill from their medical provider.One visit to a hospital can…
A fugitive from Miami who has been on the run for almost 20 years is back in federal custody after he was arrested in Nicaragua.Robert Allen Lopez, 49,…
Federal inspectors found that Florida is not adequately enforcing its rules at child care facilities, discovering violations that exposed children to…
Health insurance isn’t simple. Neither are government regulations. Put the two together and things can get confusing fast.So it’s not surprising that…
Technology companies, hospital systems and doctors' groups have agreed to take steps to make electronic health records easier for consumers to access and…
About 1.4 million households that got financial help for health insurance under President Barack Obama's law failed to properly account for it on their…
Premiums will increase an average of 7.5 percent for the second-lowest-cost silver insurance plan to be offered next year in the 37 states, including…
A change in government procedures has led to a big jump in people losing coverage under the Obama health care law because of immigration and citizenship…
Some analysts who have looked at health insurers’ proposed premiums for next year predict major increases for policies sold on state and federal health…