A judge had ruled the state had the authority to enter settlements with the pharmaceutical industry that trumped lawsuits pursued by the hospital districts and school boards.
State lawyers say voters won't realize just how far the amendment will expand access to the procedure. Justices seemed to think voters will clearly see that it would keep the state from restricting most abortions.
The Florida Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in a lawsuit about an abortion ballot initiative, but it’s not the only abortion issue before the state’s highest court.
Justices will determine whether voters will get the opportunity to decide constitutional limits on abortion in the state.
As national distributors and pharmacies restricted the flow of painkillers in response to the opioid crisis, Florida’s most popular grocer did the opposite, according to a Tampa Bay Times data analysis.
Moody says deaths are rising nationally from a dangerous designer street drug that may also be mixed with fentanyl.
In addition to reaching the petition threshold, Floridians Protecting Freedom accomplished a requirement to meet signature thresholds in at least half of the state’s 28 congressional districts.
Justices will take on the issue Feb. 7. Arguments will center on whether the court should approve the wording of the proposed constitutional amendment and allow it on the November ballot.
The political committee Floridians Protecting Freedom, which is sponsoring the measure, will need to submit at least 891,523 valid signatures by Feb. 1.
To put the question on the ballot, 891,523 verified signatures are needed statewide by Feb. 1. As of this week, 753,694 have been verified, with hundreds of thousands in the process.