While Florida's amendment failed, similar measures were approved in other states. Yet, much of the landscape won’t change much immediately, as medical providers navigate the legal hurdles that remain.
Keep Florida Clean raised about $7.75 million and Florida Freedom Fund picked up nearly $763,000 over a two-week period ending Saturday, according to reports filed with the state.
In addition to seeing patients cross borders to undergo the procedure, Dr. Taylor Walker is witnessing another trend: future doctors avoid doing their residency in states with abortion restrictions.
Floridians Protecting Freedom says the DeSantis administration is using public resources and government authority to denigrate materials supporting Amendment 4.
The court issued orders that said it has “expedited” proceedings in the cases, which involve a battle between Floridians Protecting Freedom and state officials related to Amendment 4.
Arguing that the measures would violate First Amendment rights, an attorney for two plaintiffs urged the Florida Supreme Court on Friday to uphold a…
After years of failed attempts to expand Medicaid insurance coverage in Florida, one recently-formed group is pushing for something more — single payer....