Wilkine Brutus
Wilkine Brutus is a multimedia journalist for WLRN, South Florida's NPR, and a member of Washington Post/Poynter Institute’ s 2019 Leadership Academy. A former Digital Reporter for The Palm Beach Post, Brutus produces enterprise stories on topics surrounding people, community innovation, entrepreneurship, art, culture, and current affairs.
Brutus is also the podcast host of A Boat A Voyage, a 5-episode journey inside the mind of his Haitian mother's refugee experience. After amassing millions of views on his YouTube channel, particularly during his 5-year stint in South Korea, he was eventually invited to speak at Twitter Headquarters for Scripps Howard School's symposium on digital media, alongside Google Ventures, Bloomberg, Ebony Magazine, and LinkedIn. He's also a 2018 member of Poynter Institute's Power of Diverse Voices. And he was a scheduled speaker at SXSW 2020 for the Media & Journalism convergence track.
In 2016, he was the star of an international viral video about the nature of human touch; republished by the New York Post, the video, shot in Jeju Island, South Korea, currently sits at 6 million views on Facebook. The video encapsulated his "human interconnectedness" theme on his YouTube channel.
Other appearances include the Philadelphia Inquirer, WHYY(NPR affiliate), WPTV NewsChannel 5, the Karen Hunter Show on SiriusXM, The Decision podcast with Alex Kapelman, MTV, BET, Ebony Magazine, Miami New Times, Okayafrica, Okayplayer, Complex, L'Union Suite, and other media outlets.
The co-founder of the nonprofit says unemployment, social distancing and isolation make life more difficult for many drug users, although the reasons for using can be far more complex.
Students at historically Black colleges and universities in Florida are finding different ways to cope with illness, grief, family obligations and uncertainty. For the multiethnic Black community, COVID-19 has been an added stressor atop another centuries-long pandemic: racial injustice.
Palm Beach County leaders say seniors who aren't tech savvy are having a difficult time applying for vaccine appointments online.
Pahokee native and former NFL star Anquan Boldin helped lead efforts to bring vaccines to his namesake high school stadium, noting that "out in the Glades we’re forgotten at times."
People have been registering on more than one list as a hedge against the slow vaccine rollout. That strategy will backfire, says Dr. Alina Alonso.
Seniors in Palm Beach County are desperate for the COVID-19 vaccine.
Palm Beach County officials want state leaders to investigate the mismanagement of COVID-19 vaccines.
Speaking at a commission meeting Tuesday, Dr. Alina Alonso — the county's health director — said the 5% daily positivity rate is the lowest it's been for about 3 weeks.
The Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation removed its statewide ban on bars, but in Palm Beach County, restrictions will remain in…
Just a day after the school district started the school year with distance learning, Palm Beach County commissioners approved their step-by-step approach to enter Phase 2 of the state's economic reopening plan.