Robert Smith
Robert Smith is a host for NPR's Planet Money where he tells stories about how the global economy is affecting our lives.
If that sounds a little dry, then you've never heard Planet Money. The team specializes in making economic reporting funny, engaging and understandable. Planet Money has been known to set economic indicators to music, use superheroes to explain central banks, and even buy a toxic asset just to figure it out.
Smith admits that he has no special background in finance or math, just a curiosity about how money works. That kind of curiosity has driven Smith for his 20 years in radio.
Before joining Planet Money, Smith was the New York correspondent for NPR. He was responsible for covering all the mayhem and beauty that makes it the greatest city on Earth. Smith reported on the rebuilding of Ground Zero, the stunning landing of US Air flight 1549 in the Hudson River and the dysfunctional world of New York politics. He specialized in features about the overlooked joys of urban living: puddles, billboards, ice cream trucks, street musicians, drunks and obsessives.
When New York was strangely quiet, Smith pitched in covering the big national stories. He traveled with presidential campaigns, tracked the recovery of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina and reported from the BP oil spill.
Before his New York City gig, Smith worked for public radio stations in Seattle (KUOW), Salt Lake City (KUER) and Portland (KBOO). He's been an editor, a host, a news director and just about any other job you can think of in broadcasting. Smith also lectures on the dark arts of radio at universities and conferences. He trains fellow reporters how to sneak humor and action into even the dullest stories on tight deadlines.
Smith started in broadcasting playing music at KPCW in his hometown of Park City, Utah. Although the low-power radio station at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, likes to claim him as its own.
When he was a kid, writer Chris Grabenstein loved tourist towns, so he set novels in one of his favorites — the Jersey shore. He says one of the great joys of writing is coming up with an interesting place to drop the body, like a roller coaster or a tilt-a-whirl.
The Beige Book — a big, official report — is mostly a bunch of stories gathered by talking to businesses around the country.
A Stanford MBA who used to work for Google returned to Myanmar to be an Internet entrepreneur. But it's tough to start an Internet company in a country where the power goes out every day.
"We should think of doctors the same way we think of shirts," an economist says. "If we can get doctors at a lower cost from elsewhere in the world then we could save enormous amounts of money."
The Fed has the power to create money. But it has another, critical power: The power of words.
It's a strategy some countries have adopted to boost falling fertility rates. Here's why it often fails.
Child welfare officials in Texas say they'll take immediate steps to comply with a state Supreme Court ruling that children removed from a polygamist compound be reunited with their parents. The court said welfare officials overstepped their authority.
It was a day of rescue and recovery in Arkansas as officials worked their way through the wreckage of Tuesday night's deadly tornadoes. The unusual mid-winter violent weather pushed through parts of Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi and Alabama — leaving at least 50 dead.
After a weak third-place finish in Florida — a state he had counted on winning — former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is expected to drop out of the Republican presidential race. Reports indicate he will endorse Sen. John McCain.
With only three days before the New Hampshire primary, presidential candidates are rushing around the state so fast it can be hard to catch them. But Friday night, almost all of the Democratic contenders managed to be in the same hall in Milford.