Phil Galewitz - Kaiser Health News
Medicaid and ACA programs have long struggled to connect with lower-income Americans to help them access care. Now some are trying an alternative approach: meeting them as they wait for laundry.
States are turning to the big health insurance companies to keep Medicaid enrollees insured once pandemic protections end in April. The insurers’ motive: profits.
The FDA has long blocked the importation of cheap medicine, agreeing with pharmaceutical manufacturers that it opens the door to opioids. The agency’s own data shows that rarely happens.
States are trying to reach millions of Medicaid enrollees to make sure those still eligible remain covered and help others find new health insurance. Experts especially worry about what will become of Florida enrollees.
Colorado, New Hampshire and New Mexico are also seeking federal permission to import cost-lowering prescription drugs from Canada. President Joe Biden endorsed the approach in his 2020 campaign but has yet to approve any state plan.
The federal government made 485 payouts, totaling $410 million, in malpractice cases involving community health centers nationwide from 2018 through 2021. Search this chart to find how much was paid out for each local clinic.
A court decision last year makes it easier for low-income residents in Florida and other states that haven’t expanded Medicaid to make good-faith estimates of a pay increase, and there is no financial penalty if they don’t hit that figure.
The devices are for adults with mild to moderate hearing loss — a market of tens of millions of people, many of whom have until now been priced out because prescription devices can cost thousands of dollars.
Medicare and Medicaid pay “look-alike” health centers significantly more than hospitals for treating patients, and converting or creating clinics can help hospitals reduce their expenses.
Nonprofit federally funded health centers are a linchpin in the nation’s health care safety net because they treat the medically underserved. The average profit margins is 5%, but some have recorded margins of 20% or more in three of the past four years.