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Clay Masters

Clay Masters is a reporter for Iowa Public Radio and formerly for Harvest Public Media. His stories have appeared on NPR

  • Obamacare provided billions in seed money to help establish insurance companies called co-ops. One of the biggest has now gone under, and its state overseer is telling clients to switch carriers.
  • Iowa initially chose not to expand Medicaid to thousands of beneficiaries under the Affordable Care Act. But it's come up with a plan that uses federal money to pay for expansion, while writing its own rules. Beneficiaries will have to pay a small premium, for instance.
  • After years spent working as a Nashville sideman, the 33-year-old guitarist is making his name as an instrumental soloist. While his songs lack lyrics, they're not short on backstory.
  • Iowa's Republican Governor Terry Branstad is pushing to make Iowa the healthiest state. Under the Affordable Care Act, states are deciding whether to expand Medicaid and that's created an opportunity for compromise in Iowa.
  • A high level of investment in agriculture is driving up land prices, making it harder for new farmers to afford their own. And banks simply aren't lending to higher-risk first-time farmers. Unless young people are left farmland by their family, they're out of luck, one banker explains.
  • A high level of investment in agriculture is driving up land prices, making it harder for new farmers to afford their own. And banks simply aren't lending to higher-risk first-time farmers. Unless young people are left farmland by their family, they're out of luck, one banker explains.