Carrie Pinkard
Carrie Pinkard is the Stephen Noble news intern for the summer 2019 semester. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Florida State University in English, before heading to USF St Pete to pursue a master’s in journalism.
During her first year as a graduate student at USF St Pete, Pinkard worked as Features Editor for USFSP Connect, as a science journalism intern, and as a freelance writer. Next school year, she will be the Arts and Life Editor at The Crow’s Nest.
She hopes to become proficient in many different ways of telling stories, and to one day work as a multimedia journalist.
University of South Florida Health and Tampa General Hospital announced at Thursday's USF Board of Trustees meeting that they will be strengthening...
Events commemorating Friday as National Gun Violence Awareness Day will be held in St Petersburg, Lakewood Ranch and Tampa. But in Temple Terrace, the...
Hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30. Emergency management officials say it's important residents know which evacuation zone they live...
Hurricane season started June 1 and officials are sending out their annual message: it's imperative to know what to do before, during, and after a storm.
It’s 95 degrees. Sunscreen and sweat drips from your forehead. You do a cannonball into a lake to cool off and are greeted by a thick coat of blue-green...