April Fulton
April Fulton is a former editor with NPR's Science Desk and a contributor to The Salt, NPR's Food Blog.
The Republican proposal preserves popular items from Obama's health law, including letting young adults stay on their parents' plan until age 26. But it shrinks financial aid for low-income Americans.
Teens should be included in efforts to mitigate their online risks, researchers say, but apps focus more on parents controlling access by monitoring and blocking sites.
Even many people eligible for a health savings account who have extra cash to contribute to one don't do it. Therapists say that's partly because nobody wants to admit they will get old or sick.
This ancient festival marks the beginning of spring and celebrates the rebirth of nature. And naturally, it has a lot to do with fresh, green foods just beginning to poke out of the ground.
Sardines and other small, oily fish are some of the most nutritious in the sea. Now there's another reason to eat them: Fishermen use a lot less fuel to catch them than many other kinds of seafood.
Some dog owners favor a raw food diet because they believe it's how their pets' ancestors ate in the wild. But vets worry that people could be exposed to pathogens if pets are eating raw meat.
Whether for philosophical or health reasons, pet owners are whipping up batches of pet food for their beloved animals. But veterinarians warn that these meals need to be nutritionally balanced.
A team of NPR journalists traveled the length of the U.S.-Mexico border seeking stories of people and crossing. One discovery they couldn't quite swallow was a street snack called tostilocos.
The NCAA council approved new rules allowing student-athletes unlimited snacks and meals after a star athlete complained about his hunger. But student advocates say they're still waiting to unionize.
Learning to garden and cook with cheap, healthful produce helped JuJu Harris survive while raising her son on food assistance. In a new cookbook, she shares her tips for struggling moms.