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Marty writes of fear, guilt as surgery nears

Marty Clear, a Tampa free-lance writer who often contributes articles for Health News Florida, had a tumor on his kidney removed -- and the kidney along with it -- Tuesday morning at Moffitt Cancer Center.

A friend who is acting as his Facebook contact posted on his page that it went well. At mid-afternoon, Marty himself felt well enough to post a note saying his throat is sore and he can't eat or drink anything for a few days but he's okay. What a trouper!

As he has reported in a series of columns he calls "The Cancer Chronicles," which we publish on our Consumer Corner page (earlier ones can be found by running a search on his name), Marty learned he had a gigantic tumor on his kidney two months ago. 

Uninsured, he had not had a check-up in many years and had ignored symptoms until he became so ill he sought help at an emergency room. That ER ran a scan, found the tumor and referred him to Moffitt. 

See the  column he wrote 12 hours before surgery, in which he talks about his emotions: fear of surgery, guilt over having failed to deal with the risks he faced, and anger that the U.S. makes it hard for self-employed people of modest means to afford health-care coverage.

 We wish Marty a speedy recovery. Any messages from readers will be forwarded.

--Health News Florida is an independent online publication dedicated to public-service journalism. Carol Gentry, Editor, can be reached at 727-410-3266 orby e-mail.


Carol Gentry, founder and special correspondent of Health News Florida, has four decades of experience covering health finance and policy, with an emphasis on consumer education and protection.