Today, Health News Florida offers links to the best stories that were published about Florida health issues over the holidays. It's a lot to digest; our quick-view lists and summaries are intended to help you decide quickly which stories are worth your time to read.
Over the holidays, I thought about doing a roundup of the most important stories of 2011 and a forecast of likely issues for 2012. Then I decided instead to just enjoy being with family and friends.
That's because everyone already knows the #1 story of both last year and the coming year is the implementation and political reaction to the Affordable Care Act.
Last year, Florida's public officials defied it in the courts, legislature and executive branch. This spring, the Supreme Court will hear arguments and decide whether it is constitutional. If the answer is 'yes,' this state will have to scramble to get ready for implementation by 2014.
If the answer is 'no,' then what will take its place?
Aside from the court action, the rest is all politics. If you're as tired of hearing about the Iowa caucuses as I am, you'll likely welcome today's list of stories to get away from the clamor.
Happy New Year!
--Health News Florida is an independent online publication dedicated to journalism in the public interest. Contact Editor Carol Gentry at 727-410-3266 or at